Sunday, January 23, 2011

Life Short term

Objective 1- Reduce the amount of vices and bad behavior I have. Which are: men, alcohol, weed, and low self confidence.

Reason 1- Some how, it appears I'm hurting people.Creating bad experiences with people is not what I'm about. Meeting new and unique people is a daily objective. Every person you meet is a new opportunity for growth and development of experience and becoming the person I wish to be. When a negative experience happens with someone, I'm crushed. I dwell and analyze it to death.

Reason 2- And then I feel bad. I feel bad that I'm hurting others and that in the end these actions hurt me. As I sit and consider the situations, I beat myself up while also taking the verbal beating they may be giving me.

Reason 3- This is not what I want to be doing with my life. I want to dedicate my life to being a good person. A person that people look up to, value, believe in, that doesn't cause harm, that has an opinion but hears the other side, a leader.

Reason 4- It's risky unhealthy behavior. Not just mentally but physically as I'm often hungover a lot, dehydrated, forget things a lot, lose focus at work, cause other issues in my life outside of the personal, etc etc.

Reason 5- It's beginning to define me. I am who I am not for who I am but for what I do.

Objective 2- I need to develop myself further into who I wish to be.

Pack your lunch the night before. Get up early. Take a shower, Eat a good breakfast. Pick up your room. Wash your sheets. Work Indi. Work IDEA store. Work Escape Locally. When not working watch documentaries. Don't text men. Make a craft project a day. Get things ready for the Peace Corps. Read the self help books. Network for connections, not love. Come home and cook dinner. Yoga.

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