Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sometimes this blog

Needs to be used to rant aimlessly when I should actually be doing work.

But a wonderful rant. I'm exhausted, completely. Things on my to do list include:

- Create flowers or necklaces from my old business cards and parking tickets
- Pay parking tickets
- Thank you notes
- Thank you letters
- Alter some clothes
- Take down the gallery show
- Cancel automatic loan deductions from my checking account. ?
- Create guerrilla stickers for The I.D.E.A. Store, this has been on my to do list since September.
- Switch banks
- Download my parent's music for lonely nights in Albania.
- Finish making my iPod case purse. It's basically done, it just needs to get fixed to it's stronger.
- Deliver my ex's things to him. Say goodbye to him, and his family.
- Get another pair of glasses and order contacts.
- Get a camera for the PC.
- Sell car. So put car on sale some where and work around the fact that I will be carless for a bit.
- Make preparations to vote absentee.
- Re-hang a piece of dad's art that fell off the wall.
- Rearrange the can lights in the tracks.
- Vacuum the water off the floor of the gallery.
- Order TEVA shoes, which is also a lengthy process so that I can get a 50% (!!!) discount.
- Transfer all files to my external hard drive, which I have misplaced in my house some where. And also transfer all picture files to Indi Go's computer and set-up Picasa on that and teach Em how to do that too.
- Get the books I tried to sell to Jane Addams back
- Create my website which will encompass all projects I have ever done. I need to find that powerpoint I made in high school where I stayed up all night and scanned all the files into our old computer which died and probably all the information is on it.
- Pierce my ears, this has been on my to do list since September.
- Alter and print a letter to the florists for our show next week.
- Deliver letter to florists.
- Order flowers for dad's show.
- Create origami vaginas.
- Sew more streams of fabric.
- Create a trophy vagina entry way.
- Respond and fill out PC questionnaire.
- Finish power of attorney things.
- Write Public Art League membership thank yous.
- Create a list of SODO businesses for Art and Design students to contact for potential places for their senior thesis show. I haven't even told anyone that I'm doing that.
- Type and send out PAL minutes.
- Fix the issue with the fucking RST class.
- Send a note to Andrea explaining I don't have time to fix the women's shelter a new brochure. Scratch that. I have to do that.
- Talk to Aunt Jan about the money she wanted me to donate!
- Pack everything.
- Take everything home.
- Sublease my bedroom. cancel that
- Secure my sublease
- Help Gail find more re-use artists for the show. Or at least find someone that can help her.
- Answer TJ about the Champaign Downtown Association's constant contact/ remember the details of that.
- Get Em set-up with Hootsuite.
- Install the gallery director show completely.
- Send TB a message that hey, don't tell me you love me and then not talk to me for a few days.
- Pack my bags for two years of living in another country.

- Say goodbye to everyone and cry... only everyday. Research methods for calming puffy eyes.

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