Wednesday, January 8, 2014

COD Objectives.. or what are we actually supposed to be doing here?

Recently, I was able to help someone with a resume review and I was surprised by their gratefulness because.. well.. this is what I'm supposed to be doing. Resume writing is actually a skill I have, is something I enjoy doing and am actually meant to do as a Peace Corps volunteer. Even today, I dusted off my UP203 statistics knowledge to remind myself that oh hey, I can figure out how to analyze statistics from surveys.

Well, I'll be damned I have some skills or something. It came to me then that while we're attending our multiple conferences, we think we're learning, seemingly, a well known agenda to our work. Which we are meant to make aware to our communities through our actions and discussions with colleagues.

G14 COD Volunteers at our In-Service Training in Durres
Perhaps, though this is getting lost in the mess of finger painting, yarn or whatever it is that's happening in the shtepia's art room. Shouldn't a more transparent form of information be available? Yes, we current Community Organization Development (COD) facilitators know what we're doing but do we share these very exact specifics below to the nubes coming in with group 17, the parentals, or wherever the hell these 17 thousand blog views are coming from (um.. what? & pse?)?

Even I have to look at the COD objectives we use to fill out our Volunteer Reporting Forms (VRF), a quarterly program that we use to record the impact which we are having within our communities. I had troubles finding the document but that may be more due to my lack of understanding of the workings of sharepoint (still, after 31 months).

Yes, that's right fellow American friends who think we're just tokin' and layin' by the beach, we have paperwork to give your government to say what we're up to. Organized Hippies Unite! :)

I refer to our objectives document when filling out this paperwork because for one it is fairly new still. Last year we were involved in conferences where we reviewed our program's initiatives. We gathered in Tirana for some reimbursed debauchery, hard earned from our serious discussions of how we wish to reform our program and which breakfast cereals would be most important to import into Albania (cred- J.Budahazy).

The COD program after this seemed to evolve from more of a planning focus to include more broadly the secondary initiatives we found that we were more closely producing, such as youth development, social media and other more web based changes, among other things like encouraging people who are seeking employment.

I used to joke with Tani, my friend and Albanian teacher in Ksamil that I ought to make a little business card or a tshirt that lists all the skills I have that I'd like to share with the community. How far fetched really is that idea though? Of course, I had thought the headlining comment of the tshirt ought to be Free American Labor or Free American, or something equally comical and enticing.

The real main point being that I'm a university graduate in urban planning with some experiences in a variety of random fields that could be, would be and should be applicable and beneficial to the development of your organization or community (too many modal verbs?). Right now, I'm seeing the anxiety that befalls everyone's first winter with my friend and semi-sitemate in Ksamil. The host country doesn't always know what to do with us, and we feel like nothing can be accomplished.

Why not try every trick in our hat? Print out your resume and the objectives and say hey, community organization this is what we're meant to be doing together. Make that tshirt, flyer, business card or.. just post on your blog. Maybe others would disagree with my sharing this, but I can not see what the harm could be for people to stumble upon our program's objectives. If you're one of those lucky ducks, here ya go. Lexim te mbare! (Yes, I'm butchering the language.)

Goal 1:  Organizational Development
Local organizations and community groups will strengthen their management/operational and organizational skills and processes.
Objective 1.1: Planning
By the end of 2018, 180 local organizations and community groups will improve their planning processes to respond more effectively to community priorities. 
Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach organizations and/or community groups to conduct participatory strategic/urban/economic development planning processes, such as situational analysis, review vision, mission, goals, objectives, and monitor, evaluate and assess.
Output Indicators
Organizations trained in planning:  Number of organizations trained and coached on participatory planning processes.
Outcome Indicators
Planning: Number of organizations and/or community groups, out of the total number of organizations and/or community groups the Volunteer/ partner worked with, that improved their planning processes in one or more of the following areas: vision and mission statements, strategic plan, operational plan, M&E plan, or involvement of stakeholders. (CED-032-G) 
Objective 1.2: Internal Management
By the end of 2018, 90 organizations and/or community groups will strengthen the management of their internal operations and/or develop a strategy for financial sustainability
Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach organizations staff and/or community members to apply new organizational development tools and systems.
Output Indicators
Organizations trained in Internal Management:  Number of organizations trained/coached/advised on internal management areas.
Outcome Indicators
Internal Management: Number of organizations and/or community groups, out of the total number of organizations and/or community groups the Volunteer/partner worked with, that improved their internal management in one or more of the following areas: human resource policies and procedures, information sharing and transparency, time management, or participatory decision making. (CED-012-C)
Objective 1.3: Project Management and Service Delivery
By the end of 2018, 180 organizations and/or community groups will improve project implementation and/or service delivery to effectively meet local development needs.
Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach organizations and/or community groups to conduct project design and management, write project proposals, identify donors and do outreach, develop community fundraising, and improve service delivery, and customer service.
Output Indicators
Program Design and Management: Number of organizations trained, coached, advised on Program Design and Management.
Donor and community-based fundraising: Number of organizations trained and coached on fundraising.
Service delivery: Number of organizations trained and coached on effective service delivery.
Customer service: Number of organizations trained and coached on effective customer service.
Outcome Indicators
Project Design and Management: Number of organizations, out of the total number of organizations the Volunteer/partner worked with, that improved their project design and management processes and practices.  (CED-035-G)
Financial Sustainability: Number of organizations, out of the total number of organizations the Volunteer/partner worked with, that developed or improved a multi-year fundraising strategy that includes two or more revenue streams not limited to grant support. (CED-038-G)
Service Delivery: Number of organizations, out of the total number of organizations the Volunteer/partner worked with, that provide evidence of increased satisfaction of their clients/beneficiaries, citizenry. (CED-037-G)
Customer Service:  Number of organizations, out of the total number of organizations the Volunteer/partner worked with, that improved their customer service practices.
Objective 1.4: Public Relations and Promotion
By the end of 2018, 180 organizations and/or community groups will improve their public image, effective promotion and marketing

Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach organizations and/or community groups that they work with, on: public relations methods and techniques, development of promotional materials (websites, newsletters, brochures, periodicals, maps, guide, yellow pages, etc.), marketing techniques and methods.

Output Indicator

Organizations trained: Number of organizations trained, coached, and advised on public relations and marketing (created one or more of the following:
-          PR marketing strategies
-          Web sites development and maintenance
-          Organizations Publications (Newsletters brochures, periodicals, maps, guides), etc.

Structures: Number of structures created: public information offices, tourism information centers, one-stop shops.

Outcome Indicator

Improved organizational image:  Number of organizations and/or community groups out of the total number of organizations and/or community groups the Volunteer/partner worked with that demonstrate  increased level of clients’ satisfaction about information and services provided

Improved community promotion: Number of organizations and/or community groups out of the total number of organizations and/or community groups the Volunteer/partner worked with that demonstrate improvements in the promotion of the historic, cultural and touristic areas (through increased number of visitors, increased accessibility to information and services provided in town.

Marketing: Number of organizations, out of total number of organizations the Volunteer / partner worked with that improved their marketing practices in one or more of the following areas: pricing, packaging, promotion, or product placement.

Goal 2:  Civil Society Building
Individuals will increase their capacity to participate in local civil society and community development.

Objective 2.1: Leadership
By the end of 2018, 1350 individuals will develop their leadership skills to become active in civil society and community development.

Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach 450 members of the organizations and/or community groups they work with to strengthen self-esteem, polish interpersonal skills and communication skills, improve decision-making skills, handle stress and manage conflict, empower and inspire others, and contribute to the organization’s  vision and mission.

Output Indicators:

Individuals Trained in Leadership:  Number of individuals trained/coached in leadership. (CED-029)

Outcome Indicators:

Stronger Leaders: Number of individuals, out of the total number of individuals the Volunteer/partner worked with, who improved or adopted leadership skills or practices in one or more of the following areas: supervision, delegation, setting a strategic direction, participatory decision making, team-building, conflict resolution, or public speaking. (CED-030-F)

Objective 2.2: Professional Skills Development
By the end of 2018, 1800 individuals will develop professional skills to become prepared for the world of work.

Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach 450 members of the organizations and/or community groups and individuals they work with to strengthen employability skills, social entrepreneurship skills, vocational skills and ICT.

Output Indicators:

Individuals trained in Workforce Development:  Number of individuals trained/coached in employability, entrepreneurship, ICT.

Internships and Mentorships:  Number of individuals who have participated in internship and/or mentorship programs, initiated and/or facilitated by the Volunteers and their partners.

Outcome Indicators:

Employability: Number of individuals, out of the total number of individuals the Volunteer/partner worked with, who demonstrated improved employability skills by doing two or more of the following: completing skills or career assessment profiles, setting career goals and making plans to achieve them, conducting informational interviews, job shadowing or career research, creating resumes or portfolios, conducting job or internship searches, attending a career fair.


Social Entrepreneurship: Number of individuals, out of the total number of individuals the Volunteer/partner worked with, who demonstrated understanding of sound entrepreneurial practices by doing one or more of the following: identifying or recognizing a social problem and using entrepreneurial principles to organize, create, and manage a social project, completing a simple business plan, or increasing revenue through improved business practices.

Vocational Skills, ICT: Number of youth, out of the total number of youth the Volunteer/partner worked with, who demonstrated at least one improved computer or other technology-related skill for work, employment, or business activities. (YD-020-D)

Objective 2.3: Civic Engagement and Service Learning
By the end of 2018, 2250 individuals will plan, design, and help facilitate community service activities.

Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach 450 members of the organizations and/or community groups they work with, on: volunteerism, civic education, organizing and coordinating clubs/courses/camps, and community service projects.

Output Indicators:

Individuals trained in Volunteerism:  Number of individuals trained in Volunteerism and community service-oriented activities.

Outcome Indicators:

Civic Engagement:  Number of individuals, out of the total number of individuals the Volunteer/partner worked with, that demonstrated increased civic engagement, by exhibiting at least two of the following behaviors:  participating in community problem solving, active membership in groups or associations, participating in fund-raising activities, or engaging local officials or leaders in decision making.  (YD-024-E)

Volunteerism: Number of individuals, out of total individuals assisted by Volunteer/partner, who engaged in either peer education, regular Volunteering, or other service-oriented activity. (YD-022-E)

Objective 2.4: Advocacy and Networking Skills
By the end of 2018, 450 individuals will improve their effectiveness to build support for a cause or an issue.

Activities: Each year, 15 Volunteers and their community partners will train and coach 225 members to analyze and assess advocacy issues, design, launch, and improve public awareness and advocacy campaigns, and network with potential advocacy partners.

Output Indicators

Individuals trained in Advocacy:  Number of individuals trained/coached in advocacy and networking. (CED-001)

Outcome Indicators

New Advocates: Number of individuals, out of the total number of individuals the Volunteer/partner worked with, who demonstrated increased advocacy in either of the following ways: increased their involvement in planning or implementing an advocacy activity or campaign, or took action to resolve an issue of community concern. (CED-002-A)

1 comment:

  1. Well put. I greatly appreciate you putting this 'old', but 'new' approach to why we have to continually reinvent ourselves in the world of development.
