Thursday, February 17, 2011

Sometimes this blog

Needs to be used to rant aimlessly when I should actually be doing work.

But a wonderful rant. I'm exhausted, completely. Things on my to do list include:

- Create flowers or necklaces from my old business cards and parking tickets
- Pay parking tickets
- Thank you notes
- Thank you letters
- Alter some clothes
- Take down the gallery show
- Cancel automatic loan deductions from my checking account. ?
- Create guerrilla stickers for The I.D.E.A. Store, this has been on my to do list since September.
- Switch banks
- Download my parent's music for lonely nights in Albania.
- Finish making my iPod case purse. It's basically done, it just needs to get fixed to it's stronger.
- Deliver my ex's things to him. Say goodbye to him, and his family.
- Get another pair of glasses and order contacts.
- Get a camera for the PC.
- Sell car. So put car on sale some where and work around the fact that I will be carless for a bit.
- Make preparations to vote absentee.
- Re-hang a piece of dad's art that fell off the wall.
- Rearrange the can lights in the tracks.
- Vacuum the water off the floor of the gallery.
- Order TEVA shoes, which is also a lengthy process so that I can get a 50% (!!!) discount.
- Transfer all files to my external hard drive, which I have misplaced in my house some where. And also transfer all picture files to Indi Go's computer and set-up Picasa on that and teach Em how to do that too.
- Get the books I tried to sell to Jane Addams back
- Create my website which will encompass all projects I have ever done. I need to find that powerpoint I made in high school where I stayed up all night and scanned all the files into our old computer which died and probably all the information is on it.
- Pierce my ears, this has been on my to do list since September.
- Alter and print a letter to the florists for our show next week.
- Deliver letter to florists.
- Order flowers for dad's show.
- Create origami vaginas.
- Sew more streams of fabric.
- Create a trophy vagina entry way.
- Respond and fill out PC questionnaire.
- Finish power of attorney things.
- Write Public Art League membership thank yous.
- Create a list of SODO businesses for Art and Design students to contact for potential places for their senior thesis show. I haven't even told anyone that I'm doing that.
- Type and send out PAL minutes.
- Fix the issue with the fucking RST class.
- Send a note to Andrea explaining I don't have time to fix the women's shelter a new brochure. Scratch that. I have to do that.
- Talk to Aunt Jan about the money she wanted me to donate!
- Pack everything.
- Take everything home.
- Sublease my bedroom. cancel that
- Secure my sublease
- Help Gail find more re-use artists for the show. Or at least find someone that can help her.
- Answer TJ about the Champaign Downtown Association's constant contact/ remember the details of that.
- Get Em set-up with Hootsuite.
- Install the gallery director show completely.
- Send TB a message that hey, don't tell me you love me and then not talk to me for a few days.
- Pack my bags for two years of living in another country.

- Say goodbye to everyone and cry... only everyday. Research methods for calming puffy eyes.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

10 years in 10 words

Requires major back thinking and cultivation of an overall mission statement to all concepts I have about the direction my life is taking. As well as reflection on where it has been.

Some words that come to mind to draft the 10 words are art, reuse, community, organization, foreign, service, planning, politics. But those are really just concepts that come to mind.

I want in the next ten years to begin a bigger part of a life process of furthering ideas I have on these topics. I wish to develop myself professionally and as a person to be a larger leader and one that is distinguished as such in these concepts. I want to gain a level of ability to make a more drastic impact.

And as my new pc friend said, "All the really exciting things possible during the course of a lifetime, require more courage than we currently have. A deep breath and a leap."

So I've always just thought, process. The general lines I will be going down to get from point A to point B with actually no intention of completely following, just an idea of the moment. I think that's how I operate though.

Carefully planned, overreaching, madness of continuous pursuit of social love.
^ Perhaps, that's the 10 words.