Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Offense rather than defense.

I tweeted recently that when I went to the attorney's office to finish my power of attorney things they asked me what the difference between the service and the Peace Corps was. I replied, "the army shoots people". Quickest way I could think of to respond and in simplest terms.

But this made me think more, I think what we are doing is an offensive approach to the situation in the world. We're making peace happen with people in other countries rather than a defensive approach of combating them due to conflict. We're working ahead to prevent such methods. If I really love this I want to keep going with it. I feel strongly that preventive rather than reactive methods should be increased. That is obviously not the simplest solution. It takes certain types of people to do this.

Same as it takes certain types of people to be in the service. I in no way at all discredit what any branch does, I myself had considered it. However, I think I'm a little too crazy to be reigned in. Lunch yesterday, had Greek coffee which is actually fairly good when you get through the gross film on top and not drink the sludge at the bottom. Really got me all hyped up, started scaring my new friends early on. They created a term for the energy, my t-rex mode. HA!

The service is just as needed as the corps. My brother in law is a Major and Kara was a Captain, I have great reverence for what they have done and are doing. I merely desire that more is done on the peace end.

I love that in staging they said, "you don't have to explain to anyone else why you're here." Oh thank you. We have to explain to everyone else, thank you for the break. We all get it. We know why we're here. Perhaps I explained part of my reasoning above.

I love these people. I think I scare people off though. Trying to tone back my natural desire to become besties with everyone. We went out in Georgetown last night. Oh btw, I love Georgetown. I would really like to live here some day maybe. First stop was an Indian restaurant where I got to know Brenna, Lisa, Meagan, and Maayan better. Such amazing people. Maayan has like 4 majors graduated same time as me and has been working at a labor law firm. Lived in Israel half her life, speaks like 3 languages and is completely beautiful.

Getting here was fun, ha. Stayed at Mark and Sara's last night. Love them, what great people to aspire to be like. I was feeling before I left very... reserved. Not much like myself. I think being home does that to me though. My mother is very forward and my father is reserved, I fall into being more hidden. They cooked an amazing steak lunch for me with green beans and bacon, packet potatoes, and grilled salted red and yellow peppers.

A quick survey of everyone makes me pretty sure I've been at this the longest. I've been working to get into the PC since January 2009, that's 26 months for my 27 months of training and service.

After the Indian restaurant, which again was delicious, thank you Sean for ordering for the group. Really, made it so easy. Brenna and I showed up late, were worried there wasn't room for us and that we were undesired and should go else where. Another great thing, my roomie is awesome. We get along very well. We've already made an anti mean girls pact.

We went to another more.. country ish bar. Lots of Americana, as we are nearly in DC. Made some calls to besties- Em and V. Great talks, I can't remember now as I was a few drinks in but not to the point of remembering events just not all the details. Guess I told Kip, one of the guys in the group that I was in health education repeatedly. That's false, what silliness. Drinking needs to decrease and it will. Many people are talking about how it's inappropriate for women to be at bars in Albania and also they get to go to coffee less than the men do.

I'm missing out on touring DC right now because I needed to get postage for the package to send back my phone in... but it gives me time to write this. I just want everything to work out well. I gots to calm it back a bit, not be as much me, to a degree. Who I am in the US can't be the same in Albania.

After bar 2 we started walking back and then they all wanted to go to a hookah bar. Some how I went along. Dunno why, I enjoy yet highly dislike hookah. I don't think I've ever had such a strong hookah before. It was really quite fun to get the experience but it makes me ill as I'm not used to nicotine. I never never smoke cigarettes any more, or at least to a very very small degree. I'm usually the person that takes the cigarette out of peoples hands and puts them out. I don't like to see the people I love venturing out on what I know is such a slow, deadly endeavor. I've seen the after effects repeatedly in my family, don't want anyone to go through that. We also had some lovely tea, but I was really not feeling well. It hit me pretty bad.

Be safe, behave, don't make a fool of yourself Casey. Understand your limits. Do well. Finish this blog, write Jake an email, take a shower, pack, and get ready. :) LOVE!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Small things, stitched together, add up.

I'm in this awkward place in my life where I can't do things. I can't create anything right now because I can't take it with me and I don't have enough time to make it here. But I feel so inspired, so I'll blog about it and get back to when I can.

Two cool things. Quilting and Carnival Wedding.
Quilting for a cause. I've never really sewn anything. I created a crappy dress and a big pillow case basically for a comforter and then the past gallery show. But I'd really like to create things, obviously from cast off items. Stumbled upon, through etsy of course, a book called Quilting for Peace: Make the World a Better Place One Stitch at a Time.

"The act of piecing a patchwork quilt is both utterly practical and powerfully symbolic. It's an act of reclaiming, saving, mending, and unifying. The result, the quilt itself, solves a basic problem- the need for warmth- but it represents much more: the quiltmaker's resourcefulness, wishes, and fierce opinion: an attempt to make something beautiful out of what otherwise might have been wasted and a desire to make some kind of peace."

And carnival wedding. Ya, I'd really like to do this. With a swing ride! http://www.etsy.com/storque/handmade-life/handmade-weddings-ticket-to-ride-11271/

Saturday, March 5, 2011

People won't always remember

.. what you did or said but they'll remember how you made them feel.

And also the distance between Streator, IL and Elbasan, Albania is 5,230 miles. Champaign to Elbasan is 5,254.7 miles.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

I love meeting new people./My final gallery show.

Rather cliche title.

I'm not one of those people that writes that description down for themselves in questionnaires. Or have it in a MySpace profile amongst a list of other to do's of sexual innuendos, circa 2001.

But I truly like to meet new people. I like to let these people know I enjoy meeting them and it often scares people. But in the right circumstances, I'm developing this estranged interesting arrangement of interests and if that in turn is related to the relevance of the situation created with them, so be it.

The art of Loving. I'm not sure how I feel about this blog title. But I love the caption.

Living is the art of loving.
Loving is the art of caring.
Caring is the art of sharing.
Sharing is the art of living.
If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else.

It's a rather sing songy Booker T. Washington quote. I like the awkward situation of whether this quote is a dictation, it seems rather biblical. But not actually, more of if someone treated Booker T. Washington's statements in a biblical sense. But fine, alright, I liked it because of the obvious relation to my name and how I can connect with the thought it purposes in the text.

This month has become a month of puffy eyes. Parties and working 65 hours for sad events and packing and leaving and reexplaining to everyone everyone everyone why I'm doing this. And there's distractions from said course of travel not in a defining manner where I throw it all away. Shit, it took two years to get here. I'm going damnit.

My father sent me a thank you card for helping him with his show.

I haven't read it yet.

My father has exquisite handwriting.

These things make me cry.

Because I used to be a really bad kid.. like terrible to my parents and to other people.

And I'll live my whole life remembering that and trying to work towards what I should be instead.

I took down the entire gallery show tonight and Emily and I wrote out our thoughts on how it went. Might as well share it with the world right?

The show took us 65 hours last week to install and 2 1/2 hours to take down. We took the back of one of our posters and made 4 sections titled: Love, Impact, Improvements, and Feelings. It's good to sit back and review something after it's over.

- The 'pubical'/being able to use an unused space.
- The color, the warmth.
- Working together. (Em & I)
- Making a huge dream come true.
- The Spanish sex cartoons in the pubical
-  The golden trophy vagina entrance, the fact that we didn't nix it at the last moment, and that people had to duck and step into it.
- Healther Ault
- Mari
- The events: Art therapy workshop Wednesday, MFA dance performance Thursday, V-Day Monologues and benefit concert Friday, our reception/my going away party on Saturday, and ending it all with tango into the evening.
- The dress I wore.
- The pubical becoming the "boom boom room" for multiple people. I don't care if people have a problem with that.
- My parents came.
-Period in the boom boom room.
- The fun people had with the trophy vagina entrance.
- That on Monday night I had the bright idea to add words to the streams of fabric.. and we did. We worked on that section of the display for.. 19 hours. But now it can be re-used by RACES for other art shows and displayed in their office.

- Empowering the empowered.
- Less community support then desired.
- It may have been slightly clique-y.
- Lasting-time- elements that keep and hold people in the gallery.
- The title "Read Between the Legs: She's in There" scared people.
- GT Hardwick the building owner- talking to me in a sense that he was blaming the victims.
- Valentine's Day? Todd Marshall an artist and a friend finding the scene to be more happy go lucky than extreme women strength and empowerment. But he's a man.. so ya. He thought with it being a fundraiser for RACES that it ought to be darker.. we disagree.
- Bloody period floor.. extremely embarrassing.. until Emily laughed at the situation and made me feel better. :)

- Visual strength
- Exposure for RACES
- Created dialogue, even if people didn't come they saw the name and talked about it. It even created dialogue in the form of crying in the arms of a boy Friday night and telling my dreaded personal story. Not the boy in the picture.
- More people were exposed to the potential of re-use material.
- We set the bar very high for all other BFA senior thesis shows this semester.
- The title scared people.
- Personal empowerment for future development. We inspired ourselves to keep thinking about this topic.
- The volunteers we had were inspired, their diligence to the project helped increase their interest and inspiration.
- We all talked about rape. Our own rapes, those of friends and mothers and how the United States is the number 9 on the list of percentage of women raped. How that is not not acceptable.

- Start sooner
- Better manipulation of the fridge in the pubical.
- Artwork more directly related/ finding more people who create artwork we desire.
- A more defined theme so that we don't have to continuously defend it. It should be completely apparent what we were saying.
- Sending a personal email to people about the event, I just ran out of time.
- More time for the display to be up.
- Public art.
- More visual presence on the street.
- More people here during staffing. I often felt when people came in that I didn't want them there because I wanted my alone time with the space. I know that is bad but it's how I felt. Staffing could have helped with that situation.
- Troops of people on the street promoting. We originally had an idea to have people run around like sperm..
- More fundraising efforts/people who have money attending.
- Personal invitations in the form of origami vaginas, something that got nixed.
- More volunteers
- More interactive pieces.
- Not completely exhausting ourselves. Wednesday morning I began at 9:30 am.. I left at 7 am and was back again at 12:30/1 pm until 3:30 am. I didn't look that great at the party because I was.. exhausted. I even developed an eye infection.. jeesh.

- Wow
- Barely anyone gave me feedback on the fact that there was a nude photo of me on the wall. (But apparently very good things were said to Emily.)
- I felt strong and happy in the space.
- I felt sad by the demeanor of some of the art students. They turned inward on themselves when we wanted them to.. expand, explode, talk to us.
- Putting this at the end.. what can I do now?
- Great starting point for further campaigning for our cause. Ladies Sewing Circle and Terrorist Society unite!
- Friday was amazing.. minus the hitting the parked car and being belligerent.
- Struggling with humility. Getting sick and tired of answering the when are you leaving, where are you going, what is your background, what are you doing there, blah blah blah.. Feel like I need to carry around my resume and just hand it to people. Here, if you need to know sooo badly.
- Re-Use this was my component of the show. Feedback on that from Em's professors/my ideas as well.
+ Pulling anything and everything together to make something beautiful.
+ Labor of Love
+ The method of sewing, a form of protest. Showing angst and madness.
- My monologue- I decided shortly before the event which one I would do. I hadn't read it out loud until I got up there. I created the way I delivered the message as I was saying it.
- We didn't always get what the other was doing but that was ok.. Love my dear friend Emily so very much and will miss her immensely. After we go to law school, let's rule the world dear.

PC Questionnaire.. Finally

I made far too many drafts of this but I'm glad I went back and revised the first one because it wasn't expansive enough. Here it is for anyone who cares. :)

Peace Corps Albania’s Community and Organization Development project has a broad scope that includes Volunteer placements with a number of different types of local organizations, with a primary focus on the development of capacity of those organizations to carry out local priorities. Your assignment will likely be with either a local governmental organization or a non-governmental organization (NGO). One of your fundamental first steps, no matter what the placement, will be to develop trust and confidence with your colleagues. Some of the ways that you do this are to say “yes” to requests small and large (as long as they are not illegal!), such as to help with English language, or with basic computer skills and usage. Being willing to take on these simple requests early in your service will build relationships from which opportunities to undertake more complex project activities later in your service will come forth.
The following scenarios represent a spectrum of possible situations and do not describe specific placements. Please note that an increasing number of Community & Organizational Development (COD) Volunteer placements will be made to smaller towns and villages.
Please review the scenarios and respond to this question.

What in your experience and background prepares you for working in scenarios similar to the ones described above?

Scenario 1: 
You are assigned to a small municipality (bashkia) (population 5,000 – 20,000) or large (population 50,000 to 100,000) municipality whose staff is university-degreed in their areas of expertise. Young professionals have good education, but lack practical experience, while the older staff has a lot of experience, but lack new approaches of functioning in market economy setting. This bashkia has expressed a need for Volunteer assistance in such issues as planning (urban, economic, tourism development, etc.), project development, public relations and fund development and mobilizing local resources for project support.  Under the decentralization process, the bashkia is increasingly responsible for managing and providing all public services and is struggling to implement better systems for doing so.  In addition, the bashkia is working to shift its internal information systems from a manual to a digital system and requires assistance in gathering and coordinating sometimes conflicting or overlapping information from its various departments.  You may be placed within one department to assist with a specific priority, or you may be placed at a level within the bashkia that allows you to assist various departments depending on how your skills match the needs and priorities of the organization.

Working in this setting requires a lot of self-initiative/motivation, open-mindedness, patience and adaptation skills.

Previous Volunteers working in this setting found that the main challenge was to find “meaningful” work, especially in the beginning. With time, and by conscientiously building trust with your co-workers, you will be more involved and busy with agency priorities and projects.    

My response:  
My first reaction to this scenario was implementing GIS to track characteristics of the population.  Systems could be developed to locate needs and create policies to deal with these needs.  A professor of mine studied the population of neighborhoods to help the school system better understand where to draw the school borders.  I have a marginal level of experience with GIS, however, I believe development of this program could be a positive resource for a larger city.

Other methods of gathering data should be investigated.  I believe I have the patience to gather information and am knowledgeable about and enjoy data entry.  If getting organized is the first step in the direction towards their goal of implementing better systems for public services, I will wholeheartedly devote myself to such.  Having a clear understanding of situations often requires organization. This helps identify what information one is seeking.  Research, gathering and data input will help me become familiar with possible solutions.

I have held several jobs where there was little overhead.  In my past three jobs, I successfully identified expectations, then investigated and developed programming.  Adoption of my ideas led to accomplished projects.

During a high school spring break, I accompanied my Presbyterian church group to D'Iberville, Mississippi to aid in the Katrina Relief.  We hung and taped drywall and I was quite ill through the whole trip.  I remember my pastor spoke one night about being unsure of the direction our relief effort was taking.  He wondered if we were truly making an impact on the larger problem of people being without homes and displaced after the hurricane.  Although I consider myself an atheist, rarely did I deter my pastor's opinion.  He was a man I've always held in extreme high regard for his active, unusual methods of promoting good in the community.  But I was motivated to rebut his comment saying I've always felt that any step in the right direction is better than no progress at all.

Scenario 2:
You are assigned to an Albanian non-governmental organization (NGO) that fits one of the following types:
  1. A branch of a capital-based NGO that works in the field of community development and organizing.  Their focus is developing rural communities by developing local community-based organizations (CBOs).  The main responsibility of the Volunteer working with this type of NGO is to serve as a “Capacity Building Focal Point” and to assist the local team of professionals in the implementation of community development initiatives as well as developing their managerial capacities.
  2. An NGO that coordinates and supports the development of other NGOs in the region,
  3. An individual NGO that requires institutional development and is well-linked with other NGOs in the community
Most of NGOs outside of Tirana have little capacity in project development, fundraising, board development or sustainable service delivery. 
As you will be expected to outreach and coordinate the other NGOs in your community, you might be helping them to address needs in following areas:
·         developing and prioritizing projects,
  • aligning services with organizational mission and goals,
  • establishing sustainable funding, and providing effective services, 
  • coordinating with other local agencies including other NGOs and the local government.
 My response:
I believe my strengths lie in researching the development of the community-based organization.  As a team member, I can help create studies to make decisions about the community's needs and brainstorm with the group ways to best serve these needs. Although a young woman, one of my assets is deliverance.  Given a task, I will perform to the best of my ability.  

In past job situations, I have been responsible for creating programs and systems for monitoring progress of interns.  I believe my strong managerial abilities could be relied upon to help achieve progress toward identified needs. The general concepts and processes I used could help but could be heavily advanced upon.

Another asset I believe I have is leadership and creativity.  I've successfully coordinated fundraising, social and professional events using original methods.  I've served on several boards of nonprofit organizations, often in a position of leadership.  As Secretary of the Public Art League (PAL) of Champaign-Urbana board, I assisted the organization in only 4 months to raise funds, organize a national call to artists, exhibit eight leased public art pieces, and host a concert celebration at the conclusion.  At a non-profit gallery, Indi Go, where I was the only employee; I orchestrated the installment of 34 arts shows and 19 additional events.  As well, I helped developed a movement called the South Downtown Arts District (SODO), a term a few of the art related businesses in our area have coined for an underground/city approved movement to increase the celebration of an area of town seeking to instigate the creation of street art, more physical presence, as well as collaborative art programming. These affairs required a remarkable amount of coordination between newspapers, city officials, additional nonprofits, and other organizations.  I believe I have obtained numerous skills that will assist me to communicate and coordinate with other NGOs in the area, which has been vital to gain and sustain Indi Go, SODO, PAL, and The I.D.E.A. Store.

While past experiences have helped me gain proficiency in project development, fundraising, board development and structure, I also believe I have strengthened my creativity skills through these programs.  I strongly believe in learning by doing (the 4-H motto, which I was a member of for 10 years) and have recently begun crafting.  I was inspired by the opening of a reuse, raw material, "scrap" store, The I.D.E.A. Store, which is an earned enterprise of the Champaign-Urbana School Foundation. I developed the store's marketing via Social Media.  I look forward to using my experience and skills of practical application to teach others, as well as learning from those I will be serving. 

I am familiar with the structure of and development of board operations.  Correct information gained from community input concerning their needs can facilitate prioritization of projects.  Scenario two seems to need creative, successful development of programs seeking sustainable systems and the capacity for funding opportunities.  I've reviewed my previous endeavors not to suggest that the situation in Albania will not be determinedly more difficult, but in an effort to showcase my experience and give relevance to what I hope to aspire to do.

Scenario 3:
You are assigned to a governmental organization in one of the main cities of Albania (outside of capital).  The principal activities of the organization are related to the preservation and restoration of cultural monuments.  A secondary role of this organization is to promote the cultural heritage of these monuments by collecting information about them and disseminating it to students, scholars and tourists.  To support this mission, a Peace Corps volunteer may be required to: 
  • develop and maintain systems to track the costs and progress of restoration/preservation projects
  • establish and maintain a catalog of photographs
  • produce and edit films of monuments and cultural events
  • develop and maintain architectural drawings
  • develop and update a web site with information for tourists, students and scholars
  • assist in translating correspondence to and from English
  • installing and updating computer hardware and software
  • troubleshooting computer problems
  • link with other organizations in the community and country to integrate local activities with more  broadly-based tourism development efforts
My response:
One of my three favorite classes of my Urban Planning courses was titled Historical Preservation and I have strong feelings for this subject.  In the class we learned how to locate where historical records were kept and how to access them.  At the local library, we studied the historical relevance of homes in the area and prepared reports of information about the history of these homes.  We also took tours of downtown historical buildings.

From September 2008 to September 2009, I assisted the Champaign Downtown Association in an internship position.  After the nonprofit organization's executive director was let go, I acquired the part-time position of Staff Director until August 2010.  In this position, I was responsible for hiring volunteer interns, attending committee meetings about potential programming, keeping accurate systems of tracking membership and dues, maintaining an up-to-date and well-designed website.   Other projects I worked on for the CDA included attracting potential donors, working with several other community organizations to create multiple large scale downtown events, and creating promotional materials to attract shoppers to the downtown area.
The need for cultural heritage preservation should be a goal not only for community building but also for tourism and economic development.  The Urban Environment Committee of the CDA was dedicated solely to the goal of increasing the value of the downtown experience.  This group worked on all-sized projects from installing Christmas decorations to a massive downtown clean-up project as part of the University’s homecoming festivities. This later effort I completely led, with little oversight.
As director of the Indi Go Art Gallery in downtown Champaign, I created a program I called my event timeline.  This helped me keep track of project development, booking shows, and communicating with the artists about promoting their shows. As well as all of the necessary steps for completing promotion for each week long show.

I thoroughly enjoy taking photographs, and creating beautiful arrangements of information that is both professional and artistic.  As art gallery manager, I enjoyed taking photos of the exhibits, capturing each event as I saw it in my mind's eye.  I'm emerging and learning more about brand imaging and message marketing.  I believe there is a developing market for cheap forms of promotion in relation to how it attracts the attention of students, scholars and tourists.

I'm not completely familiar with creating and editing films, but I don't believe it's beyond my abilities and I would enjoy learning this skill. Those in my age group are typically computer proficient.  I have the ability to install and update computer programs.  I also have experience in Adobe and Word programs as well as website programs such as Wordpress, Blogger, and Wix.

I thoroughly am engrossed in art, and am developing myself as an artist. I feel historical preservation, marketing, and nonprofit management, are all forms of art. If this position is actually an opportunity, it would be my ideal placement.

Scenario 4:

You are assigned to a business association or a governmental organization that focuses on promoting business development and consumer protection in one of the towns of Albania (outside of capital). The organization is dedicated to providing increasing business opportunities for small businesses and farmers in the region, and improving the business management skills and practices of local business owners. 
As a Peace Corps Volunteer, your role is to support the improvement of the local organization staff’s project planning and management skills, as well as help the organization in its outreach efforts and to provide direct business technical assistance to local businesses and farmers.  Some of other potential responsibilities might be:
·         Linking with the stakeholders in community (knowing their activities and their interests)
·         Help the branch to effectively set up internal and external organizational systems; help the association’s manager to improve managerial and leadership skills; help in qualifying the new staff to effectively carry out their responsibilities; help to strengthen the branch and reach out clients in need;
·         Serving as a trainer/consultant to business clients on topics such as marketing, pricing, business planning;
·         Providing daily onsite technical assistance, based on specific needs identified
·         Helping local staff understand and implement the basic principles of community and stakeholders outreach
·         Conducting workshops for women that are focused on increasing their business knowledge and skills in order to empower them and provide them with a greater level of independence

My response: 

Working for the CDA gave me an opportunity to promote local businesses.  I believe I developed an interest in encouraging and became familiar with the efficient running of small businesses while growing up on a farm.  My sisters and I grew up assisting my parents with the farming as well as another small, seasonal business.  In addition, I was a 10 year 4-H member and raised animals for 4-H and FFA projects.  I grew up listening to conversations about agriculture and food politics; I grew up with home canning and daily commodity pricing markets.  This background gives me something in common to help me unite with other rural community 

I look forward to applying my knowledge, or at least my hard-working, farm girl ethics to assisting businesses to grow themselves.  Being successful in a community requires diligent integration into the population.  My endeavors with the CDA and with Indi Go Art Gallery exposed me to frequent contacts with the local downtown businesses.  I widened my interests when I assisted in the start-up of a new company called Escape Locally.  The premise of this business is to promote tourism packages for East Central Illinois, an underdeveloped market. People often consider me to be a networker and reach out to me for assistance with projects due to the contacts I have created with these positions.

My past involvement in community work has taught me the importance of getting to know people as well as earning and deserving their trust and respect.  Marketing was one of the largest components of my responsibilities while working for CDA and Indi Go.  I would enjoy putting the knowledge I gained from these experiences to work assisting businesses.  My understanding of basic web development and computer programming would be of great benefit.

My college minor was in Gender and Women's Studies and I would be delighted to focus on working with women to grow their potential.  The last exhibit I was involved with at the Indi Go Art Gallery was a combination a farewell for me and a senior project for my replacement.  Titled "Read Between the Legs: She's in There" the show's concept was women empowerment. Prior to the show we spent 65 hours creating 40 foot fabric streams.  Using recycled materials and with a minimal budget, I sewed 14 streams of fabric which covered the walls of the gallery.  The uniqueness and beauty invited passers-by to come in. In addition, the event was a fundraiser for the Rape Advocacy, Counseling, and Educational Services (RACES) Center.  I feel strongly about women empowerment and independence, these topics are ones I hope to work for throughout my life.

Enjoy <3